Pituitary Deficiency (Hypopituitarism) Self-Test

Is your Pituitary Gland under-active or deficient?  Take our 5 minute self-test to determine whether you need Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or a supplement program that can restore your Pituitary Gland’s hormonal output to youthful levels.  Please answer all questions and add together points from the answers that apply in your case.  To analyze your results, please consult our conclusions at the bottom of this page.
ACTH deficiency

1.  Do you feel happy most of the time?
2.  Do you often go through mood swings?
3.  Do you anger easily?
4.  Are you depressed often?
5.  Do you often feel anxious or stressed out?
6.  Do you often feel tired?
7.  Do you keep in touch with friends?
8.  Do you find the longer you live, the better you feel about life?
»»» age 45 – 54
»»» age 55 – 64
»»» age 65 +
LH deficiency
  9.  Do you have an interest in sex?
10.  Is your sex life declining?
HGH deficiency
11.  Do you feel you work too hard?
12.  Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep?
13.  Do you look forward to retirement so you can slow down?
14.  Do you feel well rested after sleep?
15.  Do you find yourself forgetting things?
16.  Do you find it harder to think clearly?
17.  Do you use memory aids such as lists?
18.  Do you have problems concentrating?
19.  Are you in poor physical shape?
20.  Does your musculature look youthful?
21.  Do you commonly feel aches or pains?
22.  Has your vision noticeably deteriorated?
23.  Does your skin appear to hang or sag?
24.  Do you think you look older than your peers?
25.  Do you need haircuts less frequently?
26.  Is it getting harder to exercise?
27.  Do you seem to have less strength for gripping or lifting?
28.  Is your endurance less?
29.  Is your breathing more labored when you exercise hard?
30.  Do you have digestive problems?
TSH deficiency
31.  Is it very difficult for you to lose weight?
32.  Are you more than 20 percent above your ideal weight?
33.  Have you developed a spare tire or love handles?
34.  Is your blood cholesterol over 200?
35.  Is your blood cholesterol over 240?
36.  Is your HDL less than 45 (men) or less than 55 (women)?
37.  Do you have cellulite on your thighs?
ADH deficiency
38.  Do you have frequent urination?
39.  Is your blood pressure normal?
MSH deficiency
40.  Do you feel your overall health is good?
41.  Do you often get colds or feel sick?
42.  Does it take a long time for injuries to heal or for wounds to close?
14 or less
Normal range : You’re in top shape!
15 – 22
Pituitary-Stimulating Supplements may help forestall some of the problems of aging.
23 – 30
Hormone Replacement Therapy in addition to Pituitary-Stimulating Supplements may reverse the problems of aging you are already encountering.
31 or more
You should consult an anti-aging physician.  Chances are your Pituitary Gland is severely deficient.  Hormone Replacement Therapy in addition to Pituitary-Stimulating Supplements may be of great benefit.